Crafting a Welcoming Website

Who is Little Lights Pediatric Therapy?

Little Lights Pediatric Therapy is an in-home and community-based pediatric therapy practice that provides therapeutic services to patients from birth to 21 years old. Through high-quality services and a primary focus on function, they empower children and their families to live their best and most independent lives.

The opportunity

Little Lights lacked a website that was user-friendly, purposeful, and truly reflected their brand or mission.

The solution

HexaHive built and personalized every aspect of their website, from icons to images, creating a warm and inviting experience to genuinely resonate with visitors.

Our “No Band-Aids” Approach.

When we initially sat down with Little Lights, they were looking for us to give their website a touch-up. However, as we dove into the site deeper, it became clear that their website had a big problem… it wasn’t connecting with the target audience – parents seeking a reliable, inviting pediatric therapy provider. The pages, navigation, and content all needed a refresh to showcase who they are, what they do, and why families should choose to work with them.

The Power of Candid, Real Photos.

One of the first things we noticed is that Little Lights had very few real-life images throughout their website. Genuine, original photos help audiences connect with your brand and understand your work (LinkedIn), but this is even more important in an industry where parents are entrusting you with their children. With this in mind, we collaborated with Little Lights and the families they support to capture authentic images for the website. These images not only help showcase their services but also show the positive impact their staff make and the care they have for their clients.

The Magic is in the Details.

With a thoughtful strategy and an arsenal of images, HexaHive began crafting a fully customized website. Something we pride ourselves on is taking the time to understand each of our client’s target audiences. Understanding Little Lights’ target audience was crucial in this project, recognizing that parents seeking pediatric therapy often come to them overwhelmed and uncertain. With this in mind, we restructured and rewrote every page, designed custom icons and elements, and seamlessly incorporated images from the photoshoot – shaping a website that is not only informative but also welcoming and easy to digest.


We loved getting to work with Little Lights – especially getting to see the work they are doing firsthand. Our team’s primary job may have been to build a website, but this project went far beyond just pretty pages – it was about sharing Little Light’s mission and story to build trust and connection with families in need of their services.

Inspired by our work with Little Lights? Imagine what we can do for you!

Better yet, schedule a free consultation with us to explore the possibilities.